Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to Use Guest Blogging for Effective Link Building - getFound SEM

Guest blogging is all the buzz these days and there’s hardly a day you’ll logon to your Facebook account or Twitter stream without seeing a link to an article about guest blogging. There’s no doubt that guest blogging is an effective way to market a website, but out of the many reasons people write guest posts, the most effective reason to guest post is to build backlinks.

This is simply because a guest post on a big blog will bring about a traffic spike that will eventually die down, but with the right type and number of links you’ll ensure the consistency of traffic to your blog from search engines every single day.

For some time now, I’ve been using guest blogging for link building and as a result I have learned a lot of things. This article give you a few tips on how to use guest blogging for effective link building.

How to Find the Right Blogs to Submit Your Guest Posts To

When it comes to guest blogging for link building, it’s very important for you to realize that the same age-old but effective SEO principle still applies – the principle that all links are not made equal. A single backlink from a very big blog in your niche can have a significant impact on your rankings, while the same link from 3 smaller blogs might not have the same impact.

As someone who is guest blogging on a consistent basis, I know quite well it’s impossible to be writing for highly authoritative blogs only because there are only a few such blogs in every niche. However, how do ensure you’re able to get the best in terms of link quality from every single blog you write for? By using the following metrics you can easily find the right blogs to guest post for.

Using Alexa: The website is a great tool to help you analyze the success and authority of a website and the quality of the link you’ll get from it. In this situation I’m not trying to tell you to start guest blogging on a blog solely because it has an impressive Alexa rank. The Alexa rank is quite a dangerous metric to rely on when trying to build backlinks, but Alexa has another great feature you can use to find the right blogs to write for. That feature is the Alexa link count.

By visiting you’ll be able to see a lot of details about the website you’re checking out, including its Alexa rank, the related sites to it and its number of Alexa link counts. If a website only has a few links according to Alexa, you might want to disregard it, but if a website has many high quality links (say 20 or above) then you might want to include it on your list of blogs to write for.

It’s very important for you to know that not all blogs are equal and if you’re looking for blogs with hundreds of Alexa link counts then it’ll take some time to find blogs of that nature. So, for me, 20 or more links is an agreeable number when considering writing for a particular blog.

Technorati: Technorati has a lot of great tools, ranging from its blog directory to its blog ranking feature. However, the major thing we’ll be focusing on here is its ranking tool. Every blog indexed by Technorati has a rank, and in most cases this rank is calculated based on several factors, but the most important factor used is the number and authority of links pointing to the blog. Any website with an overall Technorati rank of 300 or more is a great place to start.

Google Pagerank: I know there are quite a lot of people who think the Google pagerank system isn’t that effective or a good representation of what Google thinks about a website, but it’s obvious there are millions of websites without a pagerank. It’s true that many factors are considered before a blog or website is ranked, but it’s also very important to know that not just any website gets a pagerank. A website with a pagerank of 2 or above should be a great starting point for you.

Writing Your Content

Finding the right blogs to write for is a minor part of the equation, something more important however is the content you write for those blogs. In my own experience I’ve noticed writing on blogs unrelated to mine and on content that’s a departure from my niche has little to no impact on the results I receive.
A good tip however is to ensure you only guest post for blogs related to your niche and if you’ll be guest blogging for blogs unrelated to your niche you should look for a good way to tie your content to your niche.

For example, if you have a website about Apple products writing a guest post for a blog that talks about blogging may not bring about the desired results. However, you’ll easily increase your chances of getting more results by writing a blog post around the lines of “The Top 10 iPhone Apps for Bloggers” or “5 Great Apple Macintosh Functionalities Bloggers Need to be Using”. If you take a look at those two titles you will notice they both have a tie to what your website is all about and are at the same time useful for the audience you’re writing for.

Taking Social into Consideration

Recently, I’ve noticed a lot of people are using guest blogging for link building without caring about the quality of their guest posts as long as they’re able to gain a backlink or two.

What they don’t know is that they are unintentionally hurting themselves in the long run. Google and other big search engines are now using social metrics to determine which websites should rank over others more than ever. People who are sharing content that’s only beneficial to themselves and writing any old content won’t cut it on the long run. The more robust and sophisticated your guest post is, the more chances it has on be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other networks – and the more it’s shared the bigger the impact it will have on your links.


Guest blogging is like a double-edged sword. Aside from the instant traffic and subscribers you can get by guest blogging, following the above tips will ensure you get more quality backlinks to your blog in the long run.


Tags: "search engine marketing San Jose CA, getfound San Jose CA, search marketing San Jose CA, search engine optimization San Jose CA, internet marketing San Jose CA, video seo, social marketing, video seo bay area"

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